Monday, July 23, 2012


In recollecting all the goodnesses of God — all the brokenness in us re-collects. We are put back together. We are re-membered. We heal.
We are re-membered. We heal.
This day, I am remembering... to exactly one year ago when our family woke up to Day #1 in the Philippines.

Here's one of the stories from that very first day... it also goes on to recount some of our experiences during those three weeks that God used to break our hearts for the things that break His!

One year later... today... we are re-membered. Our hearts have somewhat healed... emotions are not as raw. Yet, as with the healing of skin tissue... it's always re-membered in a new way, healed but with a reminder of what was once there.

And so it is with our family... as we learned, this past year, to live out this new normal... to be intentional about not slipping back into what's comfortable, to not forget what we saw.

This, though not easy, is a gift indeed... the goodness of God so evident!

One of the ways we are living out this new normal is putting this together... Eucharisteo: A Celebration of Joy! Will you join us? Will you come?

As I continue to count grace-gifts, with a grateful heart... for gifts from a God who is always good... these are the things I am thankful for this week... #1487 - #1494:
:: The gift of remembering... and being re-membered, healed.
:: More momentum building for Eucharisteo: A Celebration of Joy... as we dream big and pray lots!
:: Fun evening spent with our Lead Pastor here at our home.
:: For a Lead Pastor who is patient as we prepare for an opportunity to tell my family's story as part of the Ordinary Radicals teaching series. {I ask for your prayers, friends... as this introvert steps out of her comfort zone and faces an audience that could easily be in the thousands... truly, only by the grace of God.}
:: A Meeting House Home Church being birth in our home this Fall. Exciting!
:: My girl getting a haircut and donating her hair {for the third time now!} to make wigs for cancer patients.
:: Spending Friday afternoon with my sisters and their families at the Toronto Music Garden.
:: Then, Saturday afternoon at the Royal Botanical Gardens with my boys!

Happy Monday, friends!
May you be looking forward, as I am, to a new week of remembering, and being re-membered!
This is what I want.
This kingdom laden with glory, this, the pearl of great price, the field I'd sell everything to possess. This is the pearl that crams me with a happiness that throbs, serrated edge, pit open wide for more of His glory. The only place we have to come before we die is the place of seeing God and I remember and this is what I'm famished for.
More of God-glory.
Let's soar into this new week together, friends... let's do justice, love mercy and walk humbly!

Click on the banner below for more Multitudes on Mondays posts...
Jump in... I promise you will be blessed!

Compassion is a command, an act of worship, a song of thanks to Him.
Do justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God!

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